File a Complaint
When you have a complaint about a member of the Stichting Webshop Keurmerk you can fill in the form below.
The Foundation Webshop Trustmark (Stichting Webshop Keurmerk) investigates the complaint and will try to solve the problem by mediation if possible.
When the shop does not solve the problem in a reasonable way the membership can be terminated.
Before you complain about a shop you first have to file your complaint at the shop. Only when you do not receive an answer within a reasonable amount of time or when your complaint does not lead to a reasonable solution, you can file a complaint at the Webshop Keurmerk. The Webshop Keurmerk only handles your complaint when it's immediately clear that your rights are breached or when your complaint raises questions. The member will be requested an explanation and can be asked to solve the matter in a reasonable way.
If the problem is not solved one can file a complaint at the Geschillencommissie Webshop (